imperdiet aliquam. Proin urna nisl, bibendum quis fringilla at, elementum eu arcu. Curabitur consequat vulputate ligula, sed bibendum justo placerat vel. Pellentesque et purus ut diam laoreet tempor.
Vestibulum porttitor enim sit amet libero porta mattis. Aenean scelerisque condimentum justo, nec sagittis sapien venenatis sit amet. Suspendisse pharetra lacus tortor, ut dignissim diam ullamcorper eget. Aliquam lacinia ullamcorper tellus rutrum tincidunt. Proin iaculis posuere pellentesque. Donec non luctus orci. Curabitur malesuada, magna eget volutpat tempus, lorem urna malesuada justo, at accumsan ante metus in mi. Aliquam eget odio enim. Nulla a ipsum eu felis rhoncus sagittis a sed eros. Integer tortor nisl, venenatis aliquet arcu vitae, congue pulvinar tortor. Ut mi lectus, facilisis tristique nunc at, pharetra cursus quam. Nulla quis ornare ipsum. Etiam nulla neque, tempus in arcu ut, scelerisque fringilla enim. Maecenas adipiscing odio ante, at volutpat dolor mollis et. Proin convallis neque a massa gravida fringilla.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla vel urna sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque turpis felis, aliquam in pellentesque et, adipiscing ut lectus. Duis sed pellentesque justo, at consectetur nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi at tellus at lacus varius egestas.
The Binance US Pro also offdrs its personal Cash
posted by Binance fee discount Sunday, 13 August 2023 18:54 Comment LinkSupport but it surelyy is kind of exhausting to communicate with them as there are soo many Binance
US Pro users so it is sort of tough for them to resolve everybody's points
inn a faster way. An update to the system now allows custlmers to do the other:
exchange bitcoins in a regular onchain UTXO for bitcoins in one among their LN channels,
called a loop in. Implementation artefact one: the variety of bits of precision used for bitcoins fractional
issue variss between 23-bits and 16-bits relying on how close to a a number of of 8-bits the problem is (extra detail on why that is beneath).
656 adds a feature bits specification tto BOLT11,
allowing payments to point which features they support or require.
2858 limits the utmost number of pending HTLCs in every course to 30 (down from tthe utmost
483 allowed by the LN specification) and makes the worth configurable with a --max-concurrent-htlcs possibility.